AmpCoil and Lyme Disease

Understanding AmpCoil for Lyme Disease

Your body is like a musical instrument. Every cell in your body needs to stay tuned to a specific frequency to function optimally. Metals, microbes, toxins, stress and many other factors can pull your cells out of tune. AmpCoil is a proprietary system that utilizes sound frequencies delivered via a pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) to help get your cells back into tune and resonate your body’s natural frequencies in perfect harmony. When cells resonate at their optimal frequency, it creates balance leading to health and vitality.

How AmpCoil Works

  • Select a program on the tablet and it creates resonant frequencies specifically designed for your area of interest.

  • The custom built sound amplifier increases the power of the frequencies to the optimum level.

  • The electromagnetic coil envelopes your body with sound and PEMF waves tuned to your chosen resonant frequencies.

    AmpCoil vs. Conventional Lyme Disease Treatments: What Makes It Different?

    When it comes to treating Lyme disease, conventional treatments are often the first line of defense. However, these treatments can have limited effectiveness and can also have significant side effects. This is where AmpCoil comes in - as an alternative approach that offers unique benefits for Lyme disease patients.

    AmpCoil uses sound frequencies to address the root causes of the disease. This approach is based on the idea that every cell and organ in the body has a unique frequency, and that disease occurs when these frequencies become disrupted.

    AmpCoil works by sending specific frequencies into the body through a coil, which is placed around the body. These frequencies are designed to help the body identify and eliminate harmful microbes, while also supporting immune function and reducing inflammation.

    Another key difference between AmpCoil and conventional treatments is that AmpCoil is non-invasive. This makes it a good option for those who may have experienced negative side effects from antibiotics or other conventional treatments.

    Overall, while conventional treatments for Lyme disease can be effective, they may not work for everyone, and can also come with significant side effects. AmpCoil offers a unique alternative approach that can help to address the root causes of the disease and support overall health and wellness.

    Use Code LYMEWARRIOR for $99 off an AmpCoil

    Check out some of their success stories here.

Over 90% of AmpCoil’s most active users reported that the AmpCoil system has been instrumental to their personal wellness.

AmpCoil is a wellness tool that works with the energetic body utilizing innovations from Nikola Tesla, mainstream physics, and quantum mechanics.

What makes AmpCoil unique from other devices on the market is the combination of multiple scientifically proven technologies that help to balance the body's systems at a sub-cellular level.

  • Sound Frequency Delivery

  • Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)

  • Bioresonance

  • BetterGuide Software