Lyme Warrior Business Directory

Support amazing Lyme Warrior run businesses!

All businesses listed in the Lyme Warrior Business Directory are either owned or operated by a Lyme Disease Warrior!

Coming Soon!

Digital Product Listings from the Lyme Community

An area dedicated to digital products created by Lyme Warriors. If you are someone battling Lyme and you created a book, activity book, coloring book, eBook, Kindle book, Audio book, etc that you have listed on Amazon, please fill out the form below to request that your item is listed on this page for free!!

Things to Know:

*We will not list Etsy pages or listings in this area, as that is considered a business and would need to be listed in the paid business directory section.

*This is open to any child or adult, battling Lyme that has a product listed on Amazon.

*Unlike the paid business directory, no personalized social media shoutouts, or newsletter shoutouts will be included. We will promote the page as a whole, but not an individual product.

*Please fill out the form below to request that we list your product. Be sure to include a link to the product. Email if you have any questions or issues.

Lyme Warrior Business Directory FAQ’s

1.     What is the Lyme Warrior business directory?

Our business directory is an online platform that lists information about businesses that are owned or operated by people with Lyme Disease from all over the country. Many listings offer online services for easy accessibility to their customers.

2.     How can a business directory benefit me as a business owner?

Listing your business in our Lyme Warrior Business Directory can increase your online visibility and reach an audience that is also battling Lyme Disease. It can attract potential customers who have a desire to support other Lyme Warrior’s! Additionally, being part of a business directory can enhance your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts and improve your website's ranking on search engine results pages.

3.     What are the listing options for the Lyme Warrior Business Directory?

Lyme Warrior offers two different listing options. The Annual Plan, $49, lists your business in our directory on our website. The Premium Plan, $99, lists your business in our directory on our website, gives you two shoutouts in twelve months on our social media platforms, and one shoutout in our newsletter (that reaches thousands of people).

4.     Can I update my business information in the directory?

Yes! Any time you need to update the information listed in your directory, simply send us an email and we will update that for you!

5.     How do customers benefit from using a business directory?

Customers can benefit from using our business directory because they will be connected with business owners that are also battling Lyme; thus growing the Lyme community and support! It offers a convenient platform to search for specific products or services, some of which are tailored specifically to Lyme patients, saving them time and effort.

6.     Are all businesses eligible to be listed in a directory?

To qualify for the Lyme Warrior business directory, the business must be owned or operated by a Lyme Warrior (someone battling Lyme disease).

7. Where do I sign up?

Click here to sign up in our shop! The listing options are the bottom of the shop page.