Tick Testing for Lyme Disease

There are several entities that will test a tick for Lyme Disease and other pathogens as this is a great way for them to produce research. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of free tick testing for Lyme Disease options. We have listed the common places to send a tick for Lyme Disease testing and have included their price range for the tests.

Send the tick for testing. Here are some locations.

Requirements for Tick Testing: Ticks WILL NOT be tested if placed in formalin or on tape.

Place tick in a ziplock bag, then into a padded envelope or crushproof container.

Tick Testing Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I test a tick for Lyme disease and other diseases?

Testing a tick for Lyme disease and other diseases is important because ticks can carry various pathogens, including the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. Identifying the presence of these pathogens in a tick can help assess the risk of infection and determine the need for further medical evaluation or treatment.

How can I test a tick for Lyme disease and other diseases?

There are a few options for testing a tick for Lyme disease and other diseases:

  1. Tick Testing Services: Some laboratories offer tick testing services. You can send the tick to the lab, and they will conduct tests to determine if it carries any pathogens.

  2. Healthcare Provider: You can consult a healthcare provider who may have access to tick testing services or can guide you on where to send the tick for testing.

  3. Local Health Department: In some areas, local health departments may offer tick testing services or provide information on where to get the tick tested.

How do tick testing services work?

Tick testing services typically involve sending the tick to a laboratory for analysis. The lab will test the tick for various pathogens, including Lyme disease-causing bacteria and other tick-borne infections. Results are usually provided within a specified timeframe, and you can consult with a healthcare professional to interpret the results and determine the appropriate course of action.

Can I test the tick myself at home?

Testing a tick at home is not recommended. It requires specialized laboratory equipment and expertise to accurately identify and test for pathogens. It is best to utilize professional tick testing services or consult with a healthcare provider for proper testing.

What diseases can be tested in ticks besides Lyme disease?

Tick testing services can test ticks for a range of pathogens, including but not limited to:

  • Other tick-borne bacterial infections like Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, and Ehrlichiosis.

  • Tick-borne viral infections like Powassan virus.

  • Other tick-borne diseases specific to certain regions.

How long does it take to receive tick testing results?

The timeframe for receiving tick testing results can vary depending on the testing service or laboratory used. It may range from a few days to several weeks. It is advisable to check with the specific testing service or consult your healthcare provider to get an estimate of the expected turnaround time.

What should I do if the tick tests positive for a disease?

If the tick tests positive for a disease, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare provider who specializes in tick-borne illnesses. They can evaluate the significance of the positive result, consider other factors such as symptoms, exposure, and health history and provide appropriate guidance regarding further medical evaluation or treatment.

Can tick testing guarantee that I won't get infected with Lyme disease or other tick-borne diseases?

Tick testing cannot guarantee that you won't get infected with Lyme disease or other tick-borne diseases. The absence of pathogens in the tick does not guarantee that transmission did not occur during the tick bite. Therefore, it is important to remain vigilant about tick bite prevention, promptly remove ticks, and seek medical attention if you develop symptoms suggestive of a tick-borne illness.

What other precautions should I take to prevent tick bites and tick-borne diseases?

In addition to tick testing, it's crucial to take preventive measures, such as:

  • Wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and closed-toe shoes when outdoors.

  • Conducting regular tick checks on yourself, family members, and pets after outdoor activities.

  • Avoiding tall grasses, brushy areas, and leaf litter.

  • Creating tick-safe zones around your home by removing leaf piles and keeping lawns well-maintained.

  • Considering appropriate tick repellents and preventive treatments for pets.

  • Consulting with local health departments or healthcare providers to learn about tick-borne diseases prevalent in your region.

Remember, prevention is key in reducing the risk of tick-borne diseases. If you have concerns or develop symptoms after a tick bite, seek medical attention promptly.