Lyme Disease Biomagnetism | How Biomagnetic Therapy Helps With Lyme Illness?

Do you know 476,000 Americans on average are effected by Lyme disease each year?

Lyme disease is the most common insect-borne illness in the United States. The patient shows symptoms like fever, headache, fatigue, and a bulls-eye rash. Though it is treatable but many people continue to experience severe symptoms even after treatment, such as extreme fatigue, mental fog, and joint pain.

To avoid these symptoms after treatment, Biomagnetic therapy is a unique approach that works by targeting pH imbalances that can harbor pathogens. This individualized therapy aims to address the root cause of symptoms, providing a potential path to relief for those suffering from this complex disease.

Biomagnetic Therapy- A detailed review

Before we get to understand all about Biomagnetic therapy, you must have understanding of Lyme Magnetic Protocol (LMP).

Lyme Magnetic Protocol is a special therapy that uses magnets on certain body points to find pathogens, toxins, and imbalances that may cause Lyme disease and other chronic illnesses. As these disorders can be complex, often involving multiple infections along with Lyme bacteria. This protocol helps reveal and control pathogens, reducing symptoms and helping the body recover its health.

Biomagnetic Pair Therapy, also known as Biomagnetism or Biomagnetic Therapy, is a natural and safe alternative treatment developed by Mexican doctor Isaac Goiz Duran in 1988. This therapy is practiced worldwide to find the root causes of diseases and symptoms.

Many diseases can be linked to minor changes in pH levels, as well as the presence of pathogens, toxins, and other harmful factors. Dr. Goiz discovered that when a specific point in the body has an unbalanced pH, it has a connected point that it resonates with, known as a 'Biomagnetic Pair'. Pathogens and inflammation can thrive in these pairs. By applying pairs of magnets one positive and one negative to these two points, the pH can be neutralized, correcting the environment and making it inhospitable to the pathogens.

Since its discovery, hundreds of these pairs have been identified, and practitioners use applied kinesiology to scan the body and locate these pairs for balancing. There are now over 600 Biomagnetic Pairs that address pathogens, glandular dysfunctions, emotional issues, syndromes, and illnesses.

How magnetic pairs work in Biomagnetic Therapy?

The Biomagnetic therapy uses a pair of medium-intensity magnets with opposing polarities.

These magnets are applied to two energetically connected points on the body for approximately 20-25 minutes.

Here's how the procedure works:

  • ·       The two points on the body that are energetically connected are identified. These points are often related to the areas where pathogens are concentrated.

  • ·       One magnet is placed with a positive polarity on one point and a magnet with a negative polarity on the other point. The magnets should be of medium intensity to ensure effectiveness without discomfort.

  • ·       The magnets are kept in place for about 20-25 minutes. This duration allows for the restoration of pH balance and the weakening of pathogens.

  • ·       The magnets help restore pH balance, leading to the death of viruses and a reduction in the pathogenic capacity of bacteria. This process occurs as the body reacts to the magnetic field, promoting healthier cell function and initiating the body's natural healing process.

  • ·       With regular application of the Lyme Magnetic Protocol, the body can experience significant healing, often in a surprisingly quick manner.

What patients ask before getting Biomagnetic Therapy?

Patients often ask several questions before undergoing the Biomagnetic Therapy. Here are some common queries and their answers:

What is a treatment session like?

A treatment session is quite relaxing. You'll remain fully clothed on a comfortable massage table while the practitioner determines which magnet pairs would benefit you most. This is done through energy testing, where the body responds with biofeedback via subtle changes in leg length. The results of the energy testing determine the priority for treatment in each session, with subsequent sessions building upon the progress from the previous one.

What are the Side effects of the therapy?

Despite its effectiveness in treating pathogens, the protocol is generally gentle. You may experience a mild 'Herx' reaction within a few days after your treatment, which can feel like a flare-up of a familiar symptom such as fatigue, headache, or joint pain. Guidance will be provided on ways to support the body's response in the days following your treatment.

How many treatment sessions will I need?

The number of sessions depends on the complexity of your case, the pathogens involved, and the strength of your immune system. A recent infection may only require 1-3 sessions, while others may need treatment for several months or even a year or more.

After your initial assessment, the practitioner should be able to give you a rough estimate. Sessions are generally spaced out anywhere from 2 to 5 weeks apart, with the body guiding the frequency based on its response to the therapy.

How effective Biomagnetic Therapy is?

Biomagnetic therapy has been explored as a complementary approach for Lyme disease symptoms. While some sources suggest that this therapy can reduce pain and inflammation, serving as an adjunct therapy for pain relief. The overall efficacy of unconventional treatments like biomagnetic therapy for Lyme disease lacks robust scientific support. Providers of alternative therapies often target patients with Lyme disease, but these treatments are not scientifically validated and can potentially be harmful.

Despite claims of success with biomagnetic therapy in treating Lyme disease symptoms, there is a lack of concrete scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness. Studies evaluating the efficacy of biomagnetic therapy specifically for Lyme disease are scarce, with no published research demonstrating its effectiveness in humans with Lyme disease.

Is Biomagnetic Therapy safe with other therapies?

The Lyme Biomagnetic therapy is a great complement to other supportive therapies. Herbal, homeopathic, and medicinal flower essences, in particular, work well alongside it. If you're also taking antibiotics or other medications, you can still participate in this therapy. It's important to continue seeing your doctors, and the practitioner is happy to work with your healthcare team. As you progress through the protocol, you may find that your medications can be adjusted or even eliminated.

Get the Biomagnetic Kit for Lyme Treatment

You don’t have to see the Biomagnetic Practitioner every time to get the session of Biomagnetic therapy.

You can get a kit and do it at your home!

The Biomagnetic Lyme Kit, offered by Trillium Sanctuary Ministry, provides a natural and holistic approach

to healing Lyme Disease and its co-infections. The kit was carefully curated by Biomagnetic Practitioner Sarah Atwater, who found relief from Lyme Disease symptoms in herself, her family, and her clients through Biomagnetics.

Sarah's approach to healing includes the use of biomagnetism, which involves placing pairs of magnets strategically on the body, and microbioenergetics, which identifies specific microbial, endocrine, or emotional imbalances. Living in upstate New York, Sarah responded to the urgent need of individuals suffering from acute and chronic Lyme Disease symptoms, witnessing consistent improvement in her clients using this method.

The Biomagnetic Lyme Kit is designed to reverse Lyme symptoms shortly after onset and to heal chronic Lyme when applied consistently over time. The kit includes four neodymium magnets handcrafted in leather, a USB drive containing video instructions and guided meditations, a 48-page instructional booklet, a journal and pen, and a headband and athletic tape for easy application of the magnets.

The kit also provides access to an online community, The Biomagnetic Lyme Hub x Mighty Co-host, created to support and empower individuals on their journey to healing. Visit the website to shop the Biomagnetic Lyme Kit and take a step towards relieving Lyme symptoms conveniently.

