Diet for Lyme Disease

Lyme disease and diet/nutrition

Lyme disease can impact the body in many ways, and proper nutrition is crucial for supporting the immune system and overall health during recovery. A diet that focuses on whole, nutrient-dense foods can help to reduce inflammation and support healing. Incorporating anti-inflammatory foods such as leafy greens, berries, and fatty fish can be particularly beneficial. It's also important to avoid processed and sugary foods, which can contribute to inflammation and weaken the immune system. Additionally, some people with Lyme disease may have food sensitivities, so it's important to work with a healthcare provider or nutritionist to determine any necessary dietary restrictions. By focusing on a balanced and nutrient-rich diet, individuals with Lyme disease can support their body's healing process and improve their overall health and well-being.

Everyone has different diet restrictions but these are general foods that can cause issues with Lyme.

1.   Large amounts of sugar are bad for you, but great for Lyme bugs!  They will attack any sugar in your system, activating pain and fatigue.

2.   Artificial sweeteners are problematic with the exception of Stevia. There is research about Stevia being good for Lyme patients as a biofilm buster but it does not help everyone, you need to test it yourself to see how your body reacts.

3.   Whole organic proteins, greens, and vegetables are good. Many vegetables, fruits, and natural foods contain nutrients that help bodies rebuild.

4. Avoid gluten. Gluten is considered inflammatory and can inhibit healing.

5.   Clean fluid intake is very important to flush out impurities as well as keep nutrients flowing through your system and removing toxins.

6.   Be aware that foods you may have never had issues with may be reactive in your body, like nuts or shellfish.  Be careful when eating these foods as you may have a severe reaction like extreme itching, pain in joints or muscles, or blotching. Benadryl helps in these situations, but be careful not to overuse over the counter meds as they can also wreak havoc on your organs.

Steps for improving your health:

  1. Start a food journal. Using a table format on the computer makes it easier add to your journal for each day. Make columns for: date, pain level, supplements, food, and notes.

  2. Record what you eat, how much you eat (measured amounts in ounces and cups), and reactions you have or how you are feeling before and after eating. Using a scale from 0-10 for pain levels upon wake up and also during the day is an easy way to gauge your pain over time.

  3. Record how much fluid you are taking in and what fluid it is: water, green tea, etc. Typically, getting close to 100 oz. of fluid is a great amount.  Using a 20 oz. refillable container helps make it easier to keep track of how much you drink during the day.

  4. Become a label reader to see carbohydrate amounts in packaged foods.  Extreme Lyme cases will have issues processing any carbohydrates, which break down into sugar.

  5. Once you have started tracking your foods, you will be able to see what foods are potentially painful to you.  Eliminate one ‘food’ group for a few days and see how your body reacts.  When you reintroduce it, notice your pain levels.  Some may find that rotating particular foods in and out of their diet will also help.

  6. Sufficient protein is a great way to help stave off cravings and keep your energy up.  Remember, your body can’t use carbohydrates for energy, so you need to supplement it with more protein. 

  7. Whole organic foods and greens like kale, spinach, and brussel sprouts give your cells needed nutrients that your cells are being stripped of from the Lyme.

  8. Cook using healthy fats help to support the cells in your body to regenerate and heal. Do not use highly processed oils.

A note about gluten:

Oftentimes, people with Lyme are told not to eat gluten since Lyme will attack the gluten in your system. Be aware that these processed foods contain just as much sugar as regular wheat products, which your Lyme will love!  Watch how you react when eating gluten free processed products. They may not be worth your eating time.

What is a nightshade vegetable?

Tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and peppers are members of the nightshade family.  The compounds in these particular vegetables interact with Lyme and can cause joint pain, inflammation in the muscles, itching, and other reactive symptoms.  Avoid these and their “cousins”,  like tomato sauce and paprika.

Food and Food Cousins

When dealing with Lyme, it is easy to forget that there are all kinds of  what I call “food cousins” that can cause your system distress.  If you have an issue with nuts, baking with nut flours may cause you problems.  Similarly, rice flour will not be helpful either if you can’t process carbohydrates.  Having trouble with fruits?  Don’t put that lemon in your water!  Lemon is a fruit and will activate those Lyme bugs! 

Remember: you need to figure out what your body can handle.  Start that food journal today and get healing!

Here are a few books loved by the Lyme community for nutritional solutions.

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.