Herbals & Lyme Disease

New Leaf Nutrition, LLC

  • Liz Sookarry and David Hurley

  • Dr. Yai Barunakul

David and Liz (siblings) are 3rd generation Master Herbalists and experts in Nutrition, and Dr. Buranakul is a general physician and pediatrician, with a strong interest and experience in natural therapies. We specialize in helping people cut through the medical jargon, simplifying the diagnostic process, and aligning traditional medical protocols with our own results-driven recommendations. We happily work alongside LLMDs or other medical professionals, manipulating our own protocols so as not to overstep what your other trusted physician is recommending, when necessary.

When a client first contacts us, we set up an initial phone, internet, or personal consultation. We prefer to see any medical records and a list of pharmaceutical medicine before this initial meeting, so we have full disclosure and a general idea of the medical history. We give a potential timeline and impressions of our therapy at this first meeting. We can also then schedule any bloodwork and set up a new medical file, if that is determined to be required.

Each and every protocol we create is built around the individual history, symptomology, and medical records of the client. When referring specifically to Lyme or borreliosis, we have helped hundreds with symptom-reduction as well as full therapeutic treatment, from diagnosis to remission. Because of the rapid pliomorphic ability of borrelia spirochetes, we change our formulations for each client every 6-8 weeks, based on evolving symptoms as well as length of time of suspected infection.

We have over 70 herbs from around the world, each one scientifically researched specifically against bacteria or spirochetal infection, which work synergistically to cover all forms of borrelia and other confirmed or suspected coinfections. We also apply anti-inflammatory methods in each compound, so as to reduce pain and swelling as much as clinically possible. We advise on the best dietary methods to support immune function, as well as to avoid furthering the infection.

For more information visit https://www.countrystoredanville.com/

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.