Lyme Disease and Parkinson’s

Is there a connection between Lyme Disease and Parkinson’s? Lyme disease is known as the great imitator because it can mimic many other illnesses, including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, MS, Fibromyalgia and even Parkinson’s. Furthermore, testing for Lyme is unreliable, which means many people each year are diagnosed with the wrong illness. If you want to know more about the difference between Parkinson's and Lyme disease, take a look at this vital information. 

Lyme Disease

 Lyme disease comes from the bacteria Borrelia Burgdorferi, carried by ticks, and people get infected with Lyme disease from tick bites. Around 427,00 people in the USA are diagnosed with Lyme disease each year. However, the numbers are potentially much higher.

 Lyme disease symptoms often go unnoticed, undiagnosed, or worse still, are even dismissed by doctors. A distinctive circular rash is a noticeable symptom of acute Lyme disease. However, the rash may only appear in as few as 50 percent of cases. If left undiagnosed, acute Lyme will develop into chronic Lyme disease.

 Early Stage Symptoms

 Early-stage symptoms of Lyme disease usually appear within 3 to 42 days after a bite from an infected tick, and symptoms include: 

●       A Distinctive Round Rash

●       Flu-Like Symptoms

●       Fever

●       Chills

●       Headache

●       Stiff Neck

●       Muscle Aches

●       Fatigue

●       Swollen Lymph Nodes 

Late Stage Symptoms

 Late-stage Lyme disease symptoms are difficult to diagnose due to poor testing and because Lyme mimics many illnesses. Furthermore, Symptoms come and go and migrate around the body and vary between sufferers.

Here are some typical symptoms of chronic Lyme disease:  

●       Chronic Pain

●       Chronic Fatigue

●       Migraines

●       Brain Fog

●       Facial Paralysis

●       Jaw Pain

●       Tingling and Numbness in Extremities

●       Irregular Sleep Patterns and Night Sweats

●       Hot Flushes

●       Swollen Glands

●       Stiff Neck

●       Depression

●       Anxiety 


 Parkinson’s is a degenerative disease, more common in men and the age group 50+. There is no cure. However, Parkinson's patients have the option of medication or surgery to help manage the symptoms.

 Parkinson's disease may be caused by hereditary or genetic mutations or environmental factors such as toxins. There is no laboratory testing for Parkinson's, it’s diagnosed with a range of cognitive and physical examinations instead. 

Symptoms of Parkinson's

 With Parkinson's disease, the cells in the body that produce dopamine die and this results in the following symptoms: 

●       Chronic fatigue

●       Brain fog

●       Rigid and Stiff Muscles

●       Tremors - in any part of the body

●       Poor Balance

●       Eccentric Walking Gait

●       Stiff Neck

●       Skin Problems

●       Digestive Problems

●       Sleep Problems

●       Depression

●       Anxiety

●       Facial Paralysis

●       Loss of Smell 

Can Lyme Disease be Misdiagnosed as Parkinson's?

 Both Lyme disease and Parkinson's are progressive, so symptoms start mild and increase as the illness progresses. Furthermore, the symptoms of each may come and go over time and share many symptoms.

 There is no laboratory testing for Parkinson's, and tests for Lyme are unreliable, so potentially many people diagnosed with Parkinson's may have Lyme disease. Particularly people under fifty years old, diagnosed with early-onset Parkinson’s.  


 Lyme can mimic up to 350 different illnesses and doesn’t always produce obvious symptoms or show up on tests. One disease that shares many symptoms with Lyme is Parkinson's. If you have Parkinson's disease, especially early-onset. Always insist on rigorous testing for Lyme to rule it out. Ultimately, with the right diagnosis, you have a better chance of managing your illness.


Is There a Link Between Lyme Disease & Parkinson's Disease? (

LYME DISEASE: A PARKINSON’S IMITATOR? · Parkinson's Resource Organization (

To Your Good Health: Can Lyme disease lead to Parkinson’s – AgriNews (

Is It Parkinson's or Lyme? (

What is Parkinson's? | Parkinson's UK (

Parkinson's disease - NHS (


Lyme Disease and Fibromyalgia


Lyme Disease and Alzheimer’s