Gupta Program

Gupta Program™ Brain Retraining Is A Powerful Revolutionary Neuroplasticity, Mindfulness & Holistic Health Program For Chronic Conditions, Including Long Covid.

Gupta program is Professional Global Clinic with Practitioners and Coaches all over the world. The Gupta Program was first established in 2001, and specializes in treating disorders such as ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and MCS, as well as other associated conditions.

A Pilot Study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine

The novel Neuroplasticity program was combined with Mindfulness to create 'MAIR', also known as the Gupta Program, and was tested for 8 weeks against a control group engaging in an equivalent amount of relaxation techniques.

The pilot study results found that after just an 8 week intervention, the MAIR group had significantly greater reductions in symptoms and pain, and increases in overall health, compared to the control group.

These are the key results from the 8-week study:

  • 37% reduction in fibro

  • 47% increase in perceived health

  • 46% reduction in pain catastaphrozing

  • 45% reduction in anxiety

  • 41% reduction in depression

“I continue to be amazed by how critical a focus on the limbic system is in recovering from chronic conditions such as Lyme disease and mold illness. The Gupta Program is a powerful tool that has the potential to help many to improve their quality of lives as they recover from these complex conditions. I am a strong advocate of limbic system retraining as I've seen it work firsthand."

Scott Forsgren, FDN-P

“Scott - The Better Health Guy”