Ionic Footbath

What Is an Ionic Footbath?

There are hundreds of Ionic Footbath models out there, some good and some bad. After doing our extensive research, we only recommend the ones with the best studies that show results. The rest of the article is specifically about the IonCleanse by AMD since it is our system of choice.

The IonCleanse by AMD creates both negative ions and positive ions in an alternating pattern. Those ions in the water act as a charged magnet. When toxins are stored in the body, they either have a negative charge or a positive charge. During a session, that ionic charge in the water helps the body release the toxins that are stored in the body. Once these toxins become mobilized, then they can exit the body. There are 2 parts to the detox process with the IonCleanse system - 1) toxins are released into the footbath water and 2) more toxins are released through the urine and stool after the cleanse is over.

Ionic Footbath & Detox

IonCleanse by AMD detox footbath usage resulted in lower glyphosate levels in study participants as compared to the control group. Therefore, this method of detox appears to be a successful therapy in the excretion of glyphosate in humans.

There was also sufficient data to demonstrate that clients using the IonCleanse by AMD had statistically significant reductions of toxic elements in their blood compared to those not using the IonCleanse by AMD.

How do Ionic Footbath work?
Why the water changes color:

Ionic Foot baths create ions in the water. Ions are charged particles that neutralize toxins, which are held in a charged form in the body. Ions “do not play favorites,” thus, they will react with and neutralize other charged particles, as well.

When there are no feet in the water, the ions neutralize what is in the foot bath. First is the water itself: average city water has between 300-500 chemicals in it. Second is the salt, which also has a charge. Third, is the array plate, which is made from stainless steel and copper. All of these elements will contribute to color change. From our 18 years of experience, we estimate that the “junk in the tub” contributes to roughly 30% of the overall color change when feet are in the water. See the side-by-side comparison:

IonCleanse had 7 machines running in a trial. We saw vastly different results (foot bath colors) from one person to the next. Results varied not only in the mixture and intensity of the colors but also in other ways—some had lots of mucus, bubbles, or foam, and others had less or none at all.  These different results came from different levels of toxicity and the body’s ability to release toxins at a particular time.

We liken the ionic field to a huge magnet that attracts the oppositely charged particles (toxins) from the body, which are then released into the tub. Because each body releases these toxins according to its own priorities, we see different colors, textures, and even smells from one person to the next with the IonCleanse® by AMD. We see these differences time and again.

Do Ionic Footbath pull minerals from the body?

The IonCleanse by AMD is a unique detox system that allows the body to release toxicity and bypass the body’s normal channels of elimination. Our experience and research which dates back to 2002 has shown that the IonCleanse by AMD does not pull out minerals and nutrients the body is utilizing. The charges from those minerals are being used to facilitate processes in the body. The IonCleanse by AMD will not disrupt those processes or those minerals.

We do believe it is possible that minerals and nutrients that are not being used by the body can be pulled out during the detox process. We also recommend clients drink enough water and introduce minerals and supplements as guided by their practitioners. These are universal recommendations we feel are appropriate for everyone.

Ionic FootBath vs. Traditional FootBaths: What's the Difference?

Traditional foot baths are used for relaxation and don't offer detoxification benefits. Ionic foot baths use an electric current to create negatively charged ions that attract and neutralize positively charged toxins in the body. While some believe ionic foot baths alleviate symptoms like fatigue and joint pain, there's limited scientific evidence to support these claims. If you're looking for relaxation, a traditional foot bath may be right for you, but if you want detoxification, consider an ionic foot bath after consulting with a healthcare provider.

AMD’s 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee gives you a generous time frame to determine if the IonCleanse detox foot bath is providing benefit without losing your financial investment. If you have a specific situation you would like to discuss, please call us.

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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