Lyme Disease and Depression

Important note: If you feel suicidal or a danger to yourself or others, PLEASE call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988, or text “HOME” to 741741 to reach the Crisis Text Line. You can also call 911 or go to your nearest hospital emergency room.

Lyme disease and depression, plus all of its 300+ symptoms are real. Very real. Patients often lose their health, livelihoods, relationships, dignity, and financial security during their journey to recovery. Lyme disease affects the entire body and can invade every organ, including the brain. It can cause mental health issues as well as serious neurological problems. 

Depression is a common symptom for many Lyme patients and can range from moderate to severe. It occurs in approximately 60% of patients with persistent Lyme. “Inflammation, pain, interpersonal stressors, economic loss, and a sense of doom contribute to the severity of depression”. Case studies also show that Lyme disease can be associated with symptoms common to bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, paranoia, auditory and visual hallucinations, delusions and more. 

Living with Lyme disease is hard and often debilitating. Family and friends rarely understand the magnitude of this overwhelming illness, which often leads patients to feel lonely. Fear, discouragement, grief, helplessness, frustration, and isolation are often realities of living with chronic illness. Mainstream medicine continues to turn its back on the vastly growing Lyme community. They invalidate, deny, ignore, and often even mock patients.

Many attributions contribute to depression with this disease. Lyme and coinfections are not accepted by the mainstream medical community. Treatment is long and very expensive, and rarely covered by insurance. Symptoms can not only be debilitating, but overwhelming. Patients often deal with relentless fatigue, sleep issues, memory problems, mood changes, anger bursts, headaches, extreme pain and more. Lyme really takes a toll on the human body. Patients may lose their mobility, and/or cognitive function. They often experience difficulty keeping up with daily tasks and become socially isolated with no one to listen to them. Many patients lose their independence, quality of life, self-esteem, who they once were, finances, and the loss of friends and loved ones. They must accept missed opportunities, often missing out on their children’s events, or planned activities.

Depression is not the only mental health issue that Lyme patients struggle with. Lyme causes swelling in the brain. This swelling can impact both the mind and nervous system leading to neurological symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Spirochetes are the little corkscrew shaped  Lyme borrelia bacteria and are highly motile, and can penetrate any part of the human body. Spirochetes can invade the brain and spinal cord. This is known as Neuroborreliosis, or Neurological Lyme. According to Talktick, “Lyme can damage the central nervous system which can lead to...changes in a patient's, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors”. Research done in 2002 showed that 30% of all psychiatric patients also had Lyme disease. Neural System disorders have been found in up to 40% of late stage Lyme patients and 70% of Lyme patients reported negative changes to their thinking as well as memory loss. Many patients have experienced forgetting where they live, and how to perform basic tasks like starting their vehicle. It can be extremely frightening to suddenly forget why you are in the car and where you are supposed to be headed! 

Insomnia is another significant neural issue among Lyme patients. This is not just a frustrating symptom, but rather, it can actually prevent healing because it is damaging to the immune system. The body does an extraordinary amount of its healing and repairing while at rest. Unfortunately, while a patient may experience insomnia for a period of time, they will often go through times where they encounter extreme fatigue no matter how much sleep they get. Despite sleeping for 10 to 12 hours, they may have to push themselves to make it through a day, then need 2 to 3 days to recover. 

There are many other symptoms one may experience with neuro Lyme. A patient may have one or more symptoms at the same time and the duration and intensity of each symptom may vary unpredictably. Neurological manifestations may include;

·  Emotional/behavioral difficulties

·  Depression and/or suicidal thoughts

·  Anxiety/panic attacks

·  Irritability

·  Bipolar disorder

·  Rage/aggression

·  Obsessive and/or compulsive behaviors

·  Hyperactivity

·  Problems with focus and attention

·  Anti-social disorders

·  Visual and/or auditory hallucinations 

·  Cognitive difficulties

·  Brain fog

·  Schizophrenia

·  Paranoia

·  Confusion/memory problems

·  Difficulty problem solving

·  Communication difficulties

·  Disorganization 

·  Disorientation/ getting lost

·  Processing difficulties

·  Sensitivities to light and/or sounds

·  Changes in vision

·  Nerve palsy

More severe neurological symptoms or disorders may include;

·  Seizures

·  Strokes

·  Progressive dementia

·  ALS

·  MS like symptoms

·  Visual disturbances or even loss

Mental health issues and Lyme disease are no joke. If you are experiencing symptoms, seek help from a qualified LLMD (Lyme Literate Medical Doctor). Joining support groups and spiritual led groups may help with coping and realizing you are not alone. Try to find things/activities that make you smile or laugh. Keeping up with a good detox protocol may help as well. If you are feeling suicidal, please get help immediately. Call someone you trust, your doctor or an anonymous helpline.

If you have a loved one with Lyme disease, be there to support them the best you can. Listen to them. Research their illness and their symptoms so you can have a better understanding of what they are up against. Living with this monster is overwhelming mentally, physically, and emotionally. Let your loved one know that you are on this journey to healing with them and that they do not have to fight this alone.

Please note that we are not doctors or medical professionals. None of the information in this post is indented to be used for diagnosis or treatment. Please seek advice from a qualified LLMD

Ways to Manage Depression

There is hope. Managing, and even overcoming depression is possible! Here are a few things you can do to help manage depression and improve your sense of being:

1. Find support.

First, and most important, find support. Finding comfort through support groups with other Lyme patients is very beneficial. If you can't find a local group, or are unable to drive, there are plenty of online groups. Connecting with others who understand what you are going through makes the journey so much easier.

Talk with friends and family you know will listen to you. If you don't feel comfortable or heard with those around you, then stick with the peer groups.

Seek professional help. Finding a therapist or counselor who is familiar with Lyme is ideal, but that's not always locally feasible. Having a professional listen to you, can make a great impact. Understandably, money is often an issue, but there are free or reduced counseling centers available. Churches and local community resource centers may offer help, and or resources as well.

2. Relax

Relax your body, mind, and spirit. Practice breathing exercises and consider yoga or Qigong (pronounced chee-gong). Both are known to relax the body and support healing.

Listen to binaural beats. Learn more about those here, There are binaural beats to help relax, sleep, heal, detox and more. Think of them as soothing spa music with an agenda!

Get in touch with your spiritual self. Spend time each day in prayer or meditation, whichever you are more drawn to. Prayer and meditation have both been found to have great physical benefits as well as emotional and mental benefits. (Dolan, 2016)

Allow yourself to feel. It's ok if you are sad, or mourning who you used to be. It's ok if you're frustrated or discouraged. Give yourself time to process the different feelings and emotions that go along with the journey of healing. They are normal and part of the process. Then remind yourself that those feelings are temporary. There is hope, and there is healing. Give yourself the time it deserves to grow and restore.

3. Exercise

Exercise has so many health benefits. It releases endorphins, lowers stress, decreases inflammation, aids sleep, improves mood, and encourages the body to detox. It's something everyone with chronic illness can reap from! Low impact activities such as using light weights, swimming, walking, or jumping on a trampoline are great examples. Even if you are bed bound, make an effort to move your body. Move your arms and legs by bending, stretching, and moving them in circular motions. The point is to not stay sedentary.

4. Get Out

Fresh air and sunlight are healing to the body and soul. Sunshine offers vitamin D, which most Lyme patients are deficient in. "Taking advantage of sunlight can help ease muscle aches and cramps, strengthen our bones and improve our moods. Psychological studies link time spent out in fresh air and sunshine to a greater sense of vitality" (Christian, 2020). In addition, spending 20 minutes outside before noon also may help reset your circadian rhythm, which is said to help improve quality of sleep.

5. Improve Your Evening Routine

The importance of a good night's sleep is crucial for healing, detoxing, improving mood, and handling stress. Once more, all crucial elements for Lyme patients. Here's a few tips to revamp your nights:

  • Avoid watching intense, stressful, or dramatic shows or movies before bedtime.

  • Get on a sleep schedule. Make it a habit to go to bed around the same time each night.

  • Sleep in a cool, dark room. Cover alarm clocks and other lights from electronics, and don't sleep with the TV on.

  • Consider a sound machine, white noise, or binaural beats to drown out random noises and create a soothing environment.

  • Diffuse essential oils that induce relaxation such as lavender, sweet marjoram, geranium, sandalwood, jasmine, and clary sage. There are many more beneficial oils that help with relaxation and sleep. Find the one that works for you, or purchase a blend from a reputable therapeutic grade essential oil company.

6. Eat Well

Clean up your eating. Avoid inflammatory foods, remove refined sugars, processed foods, sodas, and junk foods from your diet. Instead, drink plenty of water, and eat clean, high nutrient foods. Studies have shown that diets high in refined foods, sweets, and high fats are at higher risk for depression. Lyme patients are at a high enough risk for that, so you certainly don't need any extra help.

7. Avoid Negativity

Avoid negativity. When possible, remove yourself from toxic people. Avoid negative or violent movies and TV. Also, turn off the news. These negative outlets impact your mood. Instead, watch more comedies and light-hearted films or shows. We've all heard the phrase "laughter is the best medicine". However, there's actually science behind it! "A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after. Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease" (Laughter is the Best Medicine, 2019).

8. Think Positively

Don't dwell on the negative thoughts. Even though dealing with Lyme disease can be grueling, life is not all bad. Even on the bad days, or in the middle of a flair, look for the good. Focus on the reasons to be grateful. List the things you are thankful for even if all you can think of is little things. Thankful for the random smile that was offered at the checkout line, or thankful for the unexpected phone call from a friend. Thankful you got out of bed, or for the sunset you got to witness, or thankful you brushed your teeth, or was able to shower today. There's a hundred reasons to be grateful. If we focus on the positive things in our life, we will be better equipped to handle the negative things.

When To Seek Immediate Help

Please seek help immediately if you or someone you know is talking or thinking about suicide. Don't wait. Seek immediate help if you or someone you know is

  • Purposefully not taking medicines, or taking too much of potentially harmful ones.

  • Inflicting self harm or causing personal pain or injury.

  • Showing self neglect, like refusing to eat, or ignoring personal hygiene.

  • Discussing suicidal plans.

  • Suddenly giving away personal possessions.

  • Visiting or calling to say goodbye to loved ones or friends.

  • Isolating from family or friends.

  • Speaking of having no reason to live or being a burden to others.

These are some major red flags and need to be taken seriously. If you or anyone you know is experiencing any of these, please seek help. Help is anonymous. There is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed by. You are not alone and your life matters! Living with chronic illness is hard, but you do not have to carry the burden alone. There will be bad days, worse days and good days. Focus on the good days, and know that in time, the good days will begin to out frequent the bad ones.


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

To Write Love on Her Arms

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

  • This website has lots of information about mental illness and suicide prevention, including statistics, symptoms, treatment options, and risk factors. In addition, it provides resources that can help people understand the connection between suicide and other mental health issues such as depression, bipolar disorder, and more.

Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide (SPTS)

  • SPTS is a nonprofit organization created by parents whose teen children died by suicide. It’s dedicated to helping to reduce the problem of teen suicide by providing resources for teens, parents, and educators. Additionally, SPTS also pushes for legislation requiring teachers to undergo training in suicide prevention.

Anthem of Hope

  • Anthem of Hope is a faith-centered organization dedicated to amplifying hope for those battling brokenness, depression, anxiety, self-harm, addiction and suicide.



Maderis, Dr. Todd "Lyme Disease and Depression". November 7, 2018

Cameron, Dr. Daniel. "Lyme Disease Patients Struggle with Depression". Daniel Cameron, M.D., M.P.H. November 13, 2017

Weiss, Suzannah. "The worst Thing About Lyme Disease is What it Does to Your Mind". Folks. July 12, 2020

Hammond, MS, LMHC. Christine. "The Unfortunate Connection Between Lyme Disease and Mental Illness". Psych Central. August 8, 2019

Cameron, Dr. Daniel. "Doctors Agree Lyme Disease Patients at-Risk for Suicide are Under-recognized Group" . Daniel Cameron M.D., M.P.H.

"Making Sense of Suicide and Chronic Lyme Disease". AnuTherapy. July 10, 2017.

Bransfield, Dr. Robert. "Lyme, Depression, and Suicide". Mental Health and Illness. 2017

Heckman, Kerry. "Lyme Disease is Causing a Mental Health Crisis: Here's What to Do". Global Lyme Alliance. May 10, 2019

Mindvalley. "What Are Binaural Beats And How They Work?" Mindvalley Blog. January 9, 2019

Dolan, Doug. "The Importance of Daily Quiet Time for Prayer and Meditation". Recovery in the Pines Addiction Recovery Center. January 12, 2016

Robinson, Lawrence, and Melinda Smith, M.A., and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D. "Laughter is the Best Medicine". HelpGuide. November 2019


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Lyme Disease and Chronic Fatigue