Wim Hof Cold Therapy and Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is caused by tick bites and it’s a tricky illness which can be hard to treat. When the disease doesn't respond to treatment, symptoms can become chronic, and some sufferers have to learn how to manage their symptoms rather than depend on a cure. Many people who suffer from chronic autoimmune and neurological conditions are increasingly turning to Wim Hof Cold Therapy for relief. So, if you want to know more about Wim Hof and Lyme disease, we’ll tell you all about it below. 

What's Wim Hof Cold Therapy?

Wim Hof Cold Therapy is named after the man who created it. He’s also known as the Iceman because he is freakishly able to withstand cold temperatures. Over time, both Wim Hof and scientists discovered that technically, anyone can endure cold temperatures and doing it can have many positive effects on the mind and body.

 Cold Therapy is also known as cryotherapy and has been around for a long time. Recently, it's become a trend, and more and more people are discovering the benefits and incorporating it into their lives. It can help people improve their general health and well-being, boost their immune system and help alleviate the symptoms of some medical conditions.

How Does Wim Hof Therapy Work?

 Wim Hof Therapy encourages people to be more holistic about their health and well-being and it focuses on the mind/body connection. Exposure to cold is only one part of the Wim Hof technique - it also encourages you to meditate, breathe properly, eat healthily, exercise and generally take care of your body.

 The Wim Hof Technique is based on three pillars:

  1. Breathing - Most of us only use the top part of our lungs for breathing, so a major part of the Wim Hof technique involves learning how to use our lungs correctly. Deep breathing helps reduce stress and anxiety and can help you focus when you meditate.

  2. Mindset and Commitment - The second pillar is about your mindset and dedication to your health and fitness. Meditation is a vital part of Wim Hof Therapy - it helps you relax and strengthen the mind/body connection

  3. Exposure to the Cold - Exposure to the cold is only one part of Wim Hof - this can be as simple as taking a cold shower or ice bath. Exposure to cold has many positive physical effects on your body, and enduring it helps you step outside your comfort zone and build mental discipline.

Can Wim Hof Help People With Lyme Disease?

The Wim Hof technique can help alleviate the symptoms associated with many autoimmune and neurological diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and Lyme Disease. It can reduce inflammation and swelling and soothe muscle aches and pains. It can also improve your sleep, give you more focus, reduce depression and anxiety, and can improve your immune response.

Cold Therapy is especially helpful for people with Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS) - when people still have symptoms 6-months after treatment with antibiotics. Chronic Lyme symptoms can continue for years, and Wim Hof Therapy is a great way to help sufferers manage their illness.


Wim Hof Therapy may help alleviate your symptoms if you suffer from Lyme disease. It can give you more energy and mental clarity and can help reduce pain. Wim Hof Cold Therapy can help you take a holistic approach to managing your illness - and encourages you to be proactive in your personal healing process. The idea behind the Wim Hof technique is pretty simple, but if you want the best results, find a local practitioner, consult your doctor, or enroll in an online course to learn more about it.

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.






