Brain Retraining for Lyme Patients: What are they and how can they help?

Lyme disease is a tricky illness which is hard to detect, and in some cases, it remains in the body even after antibiotic treatment. Chronic Lyme has a massive impact on the nervous system, and one way to relieve symptoms is with brain retraining.

3 brain retraining programs are particularly effective with Lyme - DRNS, Primal Trust, and GUPTA. If you want to know about the subtle differences between the three, find out more below about each. 

What is Brain Retraining?

Brain retraining is when you take control of your conscious and subconscious thoughts through affirmations, visualizations and meditation. Every thought you have creates pathways in the brain which become deeply embedded over time. This applies to autonomic reactions. The brain is more prone to illness if it has been in a state of illness.

The brain responds well to retraining because of its Neuroplasticity. In the past, scientists believed that when pathways are established in the brain, it is impossible to change them. It turns out this isn’t the case. The brain is incredibly versatile, and with a bit of effort and training, anyone can “rewire” their brain. Brain retraining can bring about massive positive changes in your life and may even help you overcome illness. 

What Are Brain Retraining Programs?

DNRS, Gupta, and Primal Trust are brain retraining programs that show lots of promise in the Lyme community because they focus on healing the limbic system. Chronic Lyme patients often have an overactive limbic system, which makes the body feel like it’s constantly under attack and leaves patients in a state of stress. With DNRS and GUPTA, patients learn how to regain control of their limbic system - and we’ll take a closer look at them below.

#1 - Dynamic Neural Retraining System

The Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) was created by Annie Hopper in 2008. She developed the technique as she recovered from a chronic limbic system impairment. DNRS uses a mix of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), mindfulness, behavior modification therapy and emotional restructuring therapy to help people relieve the symptoms of chronic illness. 

DNRS offers a FREE 7 DAY TRIAL for those interested in trying before buying. The trial will give you full access to the first two of seven sections in the course. By the end of taking these first two sections you will gain:

  • Clarity about if your brain and nervous system are stuck in a fight, flight or freeze response and whether you could personally benefit from retraining your brain’s limbic system.

  • Understanding about how you can regulate your body by tapping into the brain’s capacity to establish new and more functional neural pathways.

  • Access to a portion of written exercises that help you learn about how your brain could be impairing your health and the principles behind how to retrain it.

#2 - The GUPTA Method

The GUPTA program was developed in 200 by Ashok Gupta and is the original Limbic retraining program. The GUPTA program is based on kindness and compassion and uses NLP, meditation, breathwork, healthy eating and holistic living to promote healing. It also focuses on the importance of sleep cycles for wellness and teaches you how to sleep better. 

Gupta offers a 28- DAY FREE TRIAL which gives you full access to the first three sessions:

  • Session 1 - How to Use This Program

  • Session 2 - Introduction to Meditation

  • Session 3 - Explanation of the Condition

    In addition, you will also receive additional exclusive support tips, tools and recovery information.

#3 - Primal Trust

Primal Trust is a cutting-edge brain retraining program designed to help individuals overcome negative thought patterns and improve mental wellness. By utilizing the latest research in neuroscience and psychology, the program provides personalized, evidence-based techniques to help reset the brain and foster a sense of trust and security within oneself. Say goodbye to negative self-talk and hello to a brighter, more confident future with Primal Trust.

Primal Trust offers a variety of Free resources, including a FREE Lyme Webinar and Ebook Bundle. In addition, Primal Trust also offers a FREE Discovery Zoom Call for people interested in learning more about the program before purchasing.

What is The Difference Between DNRS, GUPTA, and Primal Trust?

All programs are based around connecting with your body and using affirmations and visualization to help with your illness.

The GUPTA method is more focused on meditation and a holistic lifestyle. It’s somewhat more flexible and personalized because it takes into account past traumas to help you on your healing journey.

The DNRS method is more structured and intensive than the GUPTA program and offers live webinars - as opposed to pre-recorded ones offered with GUPTA. 

While all three programs share a goal of helping people overcome health and mental health challenges, they differ in their approach and the specific conditions they target. It's important to research each program and consult with a healthcare professional to determine which one may be best suited for an individual's specific needs and goals.


Both DNRS, Primal Trust, and GUPTA have shown remarkable effects on people with chronic illnesses, including Lyme. You can also enlist the help of a private coach from either program to tweak the methods to suit your exact needs. You should choose a method depending on your learning style or use them simultaneously or alongside other therapies, such as yoga, to help you on your healing journey.  


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